jueves, 26 de enero de 2017



Make me happy by trying to do that.

Example: You want to fight? Go ahead, make my day.

Hacerme el día.

Example sentences:

  • It makes my day, when people tell me that I am helping them learn English / Me hace el día, cuando la gente me dice que estoy ayudándolos a aprender Inglés.

  • My husband made my day, because he said I am a good wife / Mi marido me hizo el día, porque dijo que soy una buena esposa.

  • My boss told me, I was doing a great job. My boss made my day!!! / Mi jefe me dijo, que estaba haciendo un excelente trabajo. ¡¡¡Mi jefe me hizo el día!!!

Additional examples:

  • It makes my day when I go and volunteer at the animal shelter.

  • I went to the store. I helped a lady. Helping the lady made my day.

  • We just found out that our teacher thinks we are great students. That really made our day!!!  

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