lunes, 9 de enero de 2017



If you have a nest egg, you have money put away for the future.

Example: When Indira inherited some money from her grandpa, she didn't spend it. She decided it was time she had a nest egg so she put it into an investment fund. 


Example sentences:

  • Your nest egg could grow or diminish depending on what you decide / Sus ahorros pueden crecer o disminuir dependiendo de lo que decida.

  • You should have a nest egg set aside for emergencies / Deberías tener un ahorro aparte para emergencias.

Additional examples:

  • Poor old Bill. He married a girl while he was in some foreign country and she got her hands on his nest egg, and now he's back here - with nothing.

  • Kylie has decided she wants a nest egg, so she's saving as much as she can.

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