sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012


Buy Off (Someone)

To use a gift or money to divert someone from their duty or purpose (Similar to a bribe and sometimes legal) 

"The land developer tried to buy off the politician but he was not succesful."

Se utiliza "Buy off" Cuando por medio de obsequios o dinero se pretende lograr que alguien ignore su deber  (Comprar/sobornar)


La compañia  soborno a los empleados para que no hablaran de las condiciones laborales (" The company bought off the employees so they won't talk about the working conditions")

Estan tan desesperados que van a intentar  comprar al jurado . (" They are so desperate that they're going to try to buy off the jury ")

Ejemplos adicionales:

" The only reason nothing happened is because they bought off the victims"

"Even if we tried to buy them off,we cannot erase what happened"

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