Fight with the same weapon the enemy uses.
Example: If he uses statistics, you use statistics. Fight fire with fire!
Pelea fuego con fuego.
- After her opponent had spent several weeks slandering her, the candidate decided to fight fire with fire / Después de que su oponente había pasado varias semanas calumniándola, la candidata decidió combatir fuego con fuego.
- In the face of stiff competition from rival firms we had to fight fire with fire and slash our prices / Frente a la dura competencia de empresas rivales, tuvimos que combatir fuego con fuego y reducir nuestros precios.
Additional examples:
- When Shania's boyfriend kissed another girl, she decided to fight fire with fire, so she cheated on him.
- When the opposition began a smear campaign, we decided to fight fire with fire.
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