Cut back
To use fewer or less of something>>The company has been cutting back on entertainment
expenses recently.
Se utiliza la expresión “Cut back” cuando se reduce o recorta algo.
Reducir >> "La compañia quiere reducir los salarios" (“The company wants to cut back salaries”)
Recortar>> "Necesitas encontrar una manera de recortar tu presupuesto de viaje" (“You need to find
a way to cut back on your travel budget.”)
Ejemplos adicionales: |
“It's clear we need to cut back,but it's hard to break old habits..”
“Cutting back on sugar it's not easy .”
Cut back to Que en lenguaje cinematografico señala el regreso de la camara hacia algo o alguien
Ejemplo: Suddenly, the camera cut back to the reporter, who—unprepared—just stood there
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