Get off the ground
To make a successful beginning >> We were unable to get the new product off
the ground but we will try again next year.
the ground but we will try again next year.
Se utiliza el dicho "get off the ground" para indicar el arranque o primer paso de un negocio,
de un proyecto o de una idea: Algunos ejemplos
de un proyecto o de una idea: Algunos ejemplos
Arranque >> "Por fin pudimos arrancar este proyecto después de tantos intentos.” (“Finally we were able to get this project off the ground after so many trials.”)
Llevar a cabo >> "Sin dinero este proyecto nunca se llevará a cabo.” (Without funding the project will never get off the ground.”)
Algunos ejemplos adicionales:
“Getting off the ground is always the hardest part of starting your own business – specifically, how do you get money, and how do you get your idea out there?”
“I seriously doubt most small businesses could have gotten off the ground without credit.”
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