miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017



If someone has a yellow streak, they can sometimes act in a cowardly way and not be very brave. 

Example: Some people say Jimmy's got a yellow streak a mile wide, but I've never seen anything in him except courage and bravery.

Un tanto cobarde.

Example sentences:

  • Monty says he likes his yellow streak because it keeps him out of trouble. He never gets into fights or has accidents because he's so scared of getting hurt / Monty dice que le gusta ser un tanto cobarde porque se mantiene lejos de problemas. Nunca ha estado en una pelea o accidentes porque a él le asustaría salir lastimado.

  • You can see Bob's yellow streak when another player is running straight at him and Bob tries to get out of the way / Puedes ver la cobardía de Bob cuando otro jugador está corriendo directamente hacia él y Bob intenta salir del camino.

Additional examples:

  • Tim's got a yellow streak down his back a mile wide.

  • Get rid of that yellow streak. Show some courage.

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