viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017



If you keep a low profile, you try not to do anything that will draw attention to you or create interest in you.

Example: Marco tried to keep a low profile because he didn't want to be bothered by the media.

Mantener un perfil bajo.

Example sentences:

  • After all the bad publicity over the problems in his private life, the team's captain kept a low profile for a few months / Después de la mala publicidad sobre los problemas de su vida privada, el capitán del equipo mantuvo un bajo perfil durante algunos meses. 

  • Sometimes it's a good idea to keep a low profile because too much interest or attention can lead to problems / A veces es una buena idea mantener un perfil bajo porque demasiado interes o atención pueden traer problemas.

Additional examples:

  • The local people are not always pleasant to strangers, who are warned to keep a low profile while visiting.

  • He's been keeping a low profile at work ever since his argument with Peter.

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