martes, 7 de marzo de 2017



If you're talking through your hat, you're talking about something without knowing much about it, or you claim something is true when it isn't.

Example: Evan says that quantum physics proves that space and time don't really exist, but Kathy says he's talking through his hat

Hablar sin fundamento.

Example sentences:

  • I proved that George was talking through his hat by checking on the internet to find out if what he said is true - and it isn't / Demostré que George estaba hablando sin fundamento comprobando en internet para saber si lo que dijo es verdad.

  • Our biology teacher says evolution is a fact, and that people who say it isn't real are talking through their hats. He says these people are simply wrong / Nuestro maestro de Biología dice que la evolución es un hecho y la gente que dice que no es real están hablando sin fundamento.

Additional examples:

  • The man's talking through his hat. He doesn't know the first thing about banking.

  • He is talking through his hat when he says he'll make the team.

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