jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017



If you dig up dirt on someone, you try to find details from their past to make them look bad in the present.

Example: Very few of our leaders come from disadvantaged backgrounds because it's so easy to dig up dirt on them or their family members.

Sacar a la luz.

Example sentences:

  • Many politicians pay people to dig up dirt on their opponents, and then pass the information to the media / Muchos políticos pagan a personas para desenterrar trapos sucios de sus oponentes, y luego pasar la información a los medios de comunicación.

  • A journalist is digging up dirt on a politician in order to damage the politician's image / Un periodista desentierra trapos sucios de un político con el fin de dañar su imagen.

Additional examples:

  • They tried to dig up some dirt on their political enemies.

  • No effort is being spared to dig up dirt on the rival candidate.

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