miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016



If you leave no stone unturned, you look everywhere in order to find something, or try everything in order to achieve something.

Example: Ari has left no stone unturned in her search for a job in television, but so far she hasn't had any luck.

Mover cielo, mar y tierra.

Example sentences:

  • Henry said he'd leave no stone unturned in his search for a woman to marry. He will try everything to find a wife / Henry dijo que movería cielo, mar y tierra en su búsqueda de una mujer para casarse. Intentará todo para encontrar una esposa.

  • In the investigation to find the missing child, the police have left no stone unturned / En la búsqueda para encontrar al chico perdido, la policía movió cielo, mar y tierra.

Additional examples:

  • The leaders of the countries involved in the dispute claim they've left no stone unturned in their quest for a peaceful solution. 

  • Don't worry. We'll find your stolen car. We'll leave no stone unturned.

  • In searching for a nice place to live, we left no stone unturned.

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