viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016



If you feather your own nest, you use your position or your job illegally for personal gain.

Example: Kelly says it's accepted in many developing countries that a government official will use their position to feather their own nest, and this is why government salaries are kept so low.

Llenarse los bolsillos.

Example sentences:

  • In some countries a person who feathers their own nest isn't seen as being dishonest or corrupt; they're seen as being clever / En algunos países la persona quien se llena los bolsillos no es visto como deshonesto o corrupto; son vistos como personas inteligentes.

  • Government officials in the Republic of Amoralia feather their own nests by taking bribes / Los funcionarios de gobierno de la República de Amoralia se llenan los bolsillos aceptando sobornos.

Additional examples:

  • The mayor seemed to be helping people, but she was really feathering her own nest.

  • The building contractor used a lot of public money to feather his nest.

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