lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011



An amount of money that is paid illegally for favorable treatment >> "The construction company was giving kickbacks to the local politicians."

Se utiliza el modismo "kickback" cuando se paga una compensación por hacer algo ilegal o por recibir un trato preferencial. En español, podemos intepretar "kickback" como:

"soborno" por ej: "El juez falló a su favor porque recibe sobornos"
(“The judge ruled on their favor because he’s receiving kickbacks.”)
"iguala" por ej: "Con razón consiguieron la orden: le dan una iguala al comprador"
(“No wonder they got the contract, they’re paying kickbacks to the purchaser”)

Algunos ejemplos adicionales:

"He was convicted of exaggerating costs in the contracts to generate kickbacks to the city inspectors."
They were ordered to repay $5 million for rigging bids, receiving kickbacks and fixing lucrative computer contracts.”

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