If you are quick off the mark, you are quick to react to an event or an opportunity.
Example: Steven was quick off the mark when the internet started. He had his first website up and running before most people had even tried email.
Example sentences:
- Bobby is always quick off the mark when a girl comes into the bar. He's offering her a drink before most of us have even noticed her / Bobby siempre es muy eficiente cuando una chica entra al bar. Él le ofrece una copa antes de que nosotros nos demos cuenta.
- If someone is quick off the mark, they do something before most other people / Si alguien es eficiente, ellos hacen algo mucho antes que los demás.
Additional examples:
- The police were quick off the mark reaching the scene of the accident.
- There wasn't much time to waste and in order to secure a place, you had to be quick off the mark.
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