If you dig your own grave, you do something unwise that will result in your own failure or downfall in the future.
Example: Anyone who eats too much and doesn't exercise is digging their own grave.
Cavar su propia tumba.
Example sentences:
- Jim lost his job, but he dug his own grave by being late all the time / Jim perdió su trabajo, pero él cavó su propia tumba por llegar tarde todo el tiempo.
- I wonder if Mike realises he's digging his own grave by cheating on his taxes / Me pregunto si Mike se da cuenta que está cavando su propia tumba por hacer trampa en sus impuestos.
Additional examples:
- If you try to cheat the bank, you will be digging your own grave.
- Those politicians have dug their own grave with their new tax bill. They won't be reelected.
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