viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015



The rat race is the highly competitive and stressful world of work and business.

Example: Sally is sick of the rat race. She's going to quit her job in London and move to a quiet village and open a small cafe.


Example sentences:

  • Harry wants to get out of the rat race because he doesn't like the person he's becoming / Harry quiere salir del ajetreo porque no le gusta la persona en la que se está convirtiendo.

  • Bob got tired of the rat race. He's retired and gone to the country / Bob se cansó de tanto ajetreo. Así que se retiró y se fue del país.

Additional examples:

  • My uncle says that success in the rat race can make you rich, but it can also turn you into a self-centred and shallow person. 

  • The money market is a rat race, and many people who work in it get out quickly because of the stress.

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