lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014



Food that is bad for us because it contains large amounts of harmful substances like artificial colouring, preservatives, salt, refined sugar, and so on.

Example: Food companies spend millions developing and advertising junk foods that make us fat, sick and ugly because the profits from this sort of food are far greater than the profits made by selling healthy foods. 

Comida chatarra.

Example sentences:

  • Parents who feed their children junk food risk turning them into overweight, unhealthy, unhappy kids / Los padres que alimentan a sus hijos con comida chatarra se arriesgan a convertirlos en sobrepeso, insalubres y niños infelices.

  • "You won't become a world class athlete by eating junk food every day," the trainer said / "No vas a convertirte en un atleta de clase mundial por el consumo de comida chatarra todos los días" dijo el entrenador.

Additional examples:

  • No wonder people in Western societies are so unhealthy, overweight and unattractive. Have you seen the sort of junk food they're addicted to?

  • Nell loves potato chips and other junk food.

  • When I'm sick in bed I often resort to TV soap operas and similar junk food.

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