martes, 2 de julio de 2013



You can say something is just the ticket if it's the perfect thing or if it's exactly what's needed.

Example: That's just the ticket! Edna loves brooches, especially if they have bird designs, so she'll absolutely love this one.

Es lo ideal.
Example sentences:

  • As soon as he saw the painting, grandpa said, that one's just the ticket. It'll look lovely over the fire-place / Tan pronto como vio la pintura, dijo el abuelo, que uno es lo ideal. Se verá encantadora arriba de chimenea.

  • After hearing the first track on the new CD, Theo said, "That's just the ticket!" and then he bought himself a copy / Después de escuchar la primera canción del nuevo disco, dijo Theo: "Eso es lo ideal" y luego se compró una copia.

Additional examples:

  • This soup is just the ticket for a quick lunch.

  • A good, hot cup of coffee will be just the ticket.

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