jueves, 6 de junio de 2013




If someone is down to earth, they are practical and sensible.

Example: Steven is an artist and a real dreamer, but luckily his wife Sarah is down to earth, so she takes care of their day to day lives.

Pies en la tierra.

Example sentences:

  • I like her down to earth approach to problem-solving / Me gusta su enfoque de los pies en la tierra para la resolución de problemas.

  • We need someone who can come up with practical, down to earth ideas that we can work with in the real world / Necesitamos a alquien que venga con ideas prácticas, con los pies en la tierra que podamos trabajar en el mundo real.

Additional examples:

  • This is not a very down-to-earth idea.

  • So, tell me about Carl.  What's he like? He is very practical and reliable. He drives a fuel efficient car and dresses modestly. He is focussed on his career and makes steady progress with his studies.  He doesn't expect to get rich quick. He sounds very down to earth.
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