On pins and needles
Anxious or nervous, especially in anticipation of something
"On pins and needles" Se refiere a estar muy nervioso o ansioso. (Lit. sobre alfileres y agujas)
Estaba muy nervioso hasta que llamó para decir que ya habia llegado a casa. (" I was on pins and needles until she called to say she had arrived home")
"Ella estuvo muy nerviosa todo el tiempo que su padre pasó en el hospital" ("She was on pins and needles the whole time her father was in the hospital.")
Ejemplos adicionales:
"There had been a rumor that someone was going to get fired, but we didn't know who it would be; so the whole office was on pins on needles all day."
"I've been on pins and needles all day, waiting for you to call with the news."
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