martes, 3 de enero de 2012


Double check

To check something again to confirm that it is correct .

"We plan to double check the price of the new product before  the price list is printed"

Se utiliza la expresión "Double check" cuando se corrobora o vuelve a revisar algo. (Volver a checar" )


Necesito que revises el itinerario de nuevo  ( " I will need you to double check the schedule" )

Por favor corrobore que su información sea correcta ( "Please double check that your information is correct" )

Le pedi a los ingenieros que volvieran a revisar la fuga ( " I asked the engineers to double check the leak" )

Ejemplos adicionales:

" Double check everything before you go"

" You can also double check the results from your computer"

" Please double check any confusing word"

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