If you have vim and vigor, you have lots of energy and enthusiasm for life.
Example: If you want to have lots of vim and vigor when you get older, you need to eat good food and get plenty of exercise when you're young.
Energía y vigor.
Example sentences:
- Our grandmother is always full of vim and vigor when we go to visit her / Nuestra abuela siempre está llena de energía y vigor cuando vamos a visitarla.
- Politicians are advised to act as if they are full of vim and vigor so that voters will think they are healthy enough to lead the country / Se aconseja a los políticos a actuar como si ellos estuvieran llenos de energía y vigor por lo que los votantes pensarán que son lo suficientemente sanos como para dirigir el país.
Additional examples:
- Show more vim and vigor!
- Let us know you're alive. She's sure got a lot of vim and vigor.
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