martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015



If you have itchy feet, you feel the need to go somewhere different or do something different.

Example: I know she's got itchy feet because she's been looking at travel websites.

Ganas de viajar.

Example sentences:

  • It's no wonder Ken's got itchy feet. He's been doing the same job, in the same office, for nearly twenty years / No es de extrañar que Ken tenga ganas de viajar. Ha estado haciendo el mismo trabajo, en la misma oficina, durante casi veinte años.

  • Thanks to low-cost airlines, people with itchy feet who couldn't afford air fares in the past can now travel / Gracias a las líneas aéreas de bajo costo, las personas que tienen ganas de viajar que antes no podían pagar las tarifas aéreas ahora lo pueden hacer.

Additional examples:

  • Hearing the train whistle at night gives me itchy feet.

  • Why've you got all these travel brochures? Do you have itchy feet?

El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015




To be the center of interest.

Example: Collecting food and clothes for disaster victims has taken center stage in our town.

Ser el centro de atención.

Example sentences:

  • Mobile technology is taking center stage in today's world / La tecnología móvil está siendo el centro de atención en el mundo de hoy.

  • You've taken center stage in each meeting of the company / Has sido el centro de atención en cada reunión de la compañía.

Additional examples:

  • This model ensures that those most at risk take center stage.

  • Each child was eager to take center stage, sharing their vocal skills and talents for all to hear.

"Center stage" El cual literalmente significa: Centro de un escenario.
El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015



You can say "No sweat!" if someone asks you if you can do something, and you're sure you can do it.

Example: Andy: "Are you sure you can carry that box?" Barry: "No sweat!"

Sin duda / Sin problema

Example sentences:

  • I asked Jeff if he could handle things in the office while I was away and he laughed and said, "No sweat! Of course I can." / Le pregunté a Jeff si el podría manejar las cosas en la oficina mientras yo no estaba y el se rió y dijo, "¡Sin duda!" Claro que puedo.

  • Ollie said, "No sweat!" after I'd asked him if he could help me out / Ollie dijo, "Sin problema" después de que le preguntara si podía echarme la mano.

Additional examples:

  • Of course I can have your car repaired by noon. No sweat. You'd like a red one? No problem.

  • Will you be able to fix the light?" "Yeah, no sweat."


El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015



If someone beats the rap, they avoid being found guilty of a crime.

Example: Everyone knows that Jimmy the Snitch did the robbery in Green St., but he beat the rap because he's in with the cops.

Salir impune.

Example sentences:

  • Henry was charged with drunk driving, but his lawyer helped him beat the rap on some technical detail / Henry fue acusado de conducir ebrio, pero su abogado lo ayudó a salir impune en algunos detalles técnicos.

  • Sonny was arrested for robbery, but he beat the rap so now he's back home / Sonny fue arrestado por robo, pero logró salir impune así que ahora está de vuelta a casa.

Addittional examples:

  • He was charged with drunk driving, but he beat the rap.

  • The police hauled Tom in and charged him with a crime. His lawyer helped him beat the rap.

El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015



If you don`t have the faintest idea, about something you don`t know anything at all about it.

Example: Nobody has the faintest idea of how it might actually work.

La mínima / remota idea. 

Example sentences:

  • I don't have the faintest idea of what you're talking about / No tengo la mas mínima idea de lo que estas hablando.

  • I didn't have the faintest idea where I was or which way I was going / No tenía la más remota idea de en dónde estaba o a dónde iba.

Additional examples:

  • Back then, drivers did not have the faintest idea how to fit or replace the parts in their cars.

  • In all honesty, I hadn't the faintest idea what was happening.

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