If you settle a score with someone who has hurt you or insulted you in the past, you do something to hurt or insult them in return.
Example: Boxing promoters often create the impression that boxers have scores to settle with each other in order to create more drama before a fight and sell more tickets.
Ajuste de cuentas.
Example sentences:
- We think that the fire was lit on purpose to settle a score between rival gangs / Pensamos que el fuego fue encendido a propósito para un ajuste de cuentas entre bandas rivales.
- Johnny said he'd settle the score with Jimmy one day after Jimmy had told the police that Johnny had done the robbery / Johnny dijo que había ajustar cuentas con Jimmy un día después que Jimmy había dicho a la policía que Johnny había hecho el robo.
Additional examples:
- Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.
- John wants to settle a score with his neighbor. Tom, it's time you and I settled the score.
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