jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014



If you settle a score with someone who has hurt you or insulted you in the past, you do something to hurt or insult them in return.

Example: Boxing promoters often create the impression that boxers have scores to settle with each other in order to create more drama before a fight and sell more tickets.

Ajuste de cuentas.

Example sentences:

  • We think that the fire was lit on purpose to settle a score between rival gangs / Pensamos que el fuego fue encendido a propósito para un ajuste de cuentas entre bandas rivales.

  • Johnny said he'd settle the score with Jimmy one day after Jimmy had told the police that Johnny had done the robbery / Johnny dijo que había ajustar cuentas con Jimmy un día después que Jimmy había dicho a la policía que Johnny había hecho el robo.

Additional examples:

  • Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.

  • John wants to settle a score with his neighbor. Tom, it's time you and I settled the score.

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sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014



If you do something once and for all, you do it in a way that's final and it means you'll never have to do it again.

Example: I was tired of getting new glasses every few years so I decided to solve my eyesight problem once and for all and have laser surgery.

De una vez por todas.

Example sentences:

  • Jim said he's decided once and for all that he's going to stay single and never get married again / Jim dijo que decidió de una vez por todas que se quedará soltero y nunca se casará de nuevo.

  • I'm tired of having to get my teeth fixed all the time, so I've decided to solve the problem once and for all by getting false teeth / Estoy cansado de tener que arreglarme los dientes todo el tiempo, entonces he decidido que para resolver el problema de una vez por todas conseguiré una dentadura postiza.

Additional examples:

  • I'm going to get this place organized once and for all! That'll be the day! "We need to get this straightened out once and for all," said Bob, for the fourth time today.

  • I'm fed up with arguing about this. Let's just settle this argument once and for all.

  • He claims his photographs prove once and for all that UFOs do exist.

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miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014



To be in preparation. To be in the process of being planned or developed.

Example: The camera company has a new camera in the works, but nobody knows about it.

En desarrollo / En planeación

Example sentences:

  • The new software version is in the works / La nueva versión del software se encuentra en desarrollo.

  • The welcome party in already in the works / La fiesta de bienvenida ya se está planeando.

Additional examples:

  • The employees are saying that a big change in the company is in the works right now.

  • The new movie is already in the works.

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martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014



Said to emphasize that many bad things might happen before something is finished.

Example: On the side of the beer mug were these words: There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip

Del plato a la boca se cae la sopa.

Example sentences:

  • We still might finish in time for the deadline, but there's many a slip twixt cup and lip / Todavía podría terminar a tiempo para la fecha límite, pero del plato a la boca se cae la sopa.

  • They thought they had the contract all sewn up, but the client didn't sign in the end. There's many a slip twixt cup and lip / Ellos pensaban que tenían el contrato asegurado, pero el cliente no firmó al final. Del plato a la boca se cae la sopa.

Additional examples:

  • Now that I have a contract with a publisher, nothing in the world can stop me from writing this book;  don't be so sure. There's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip.

  • We still might finish in time for the deadline, but there's many a slip twixt cup and lip.

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sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014


It is often better to say nothing than to talk, so silence is golden.

Example: Don't tell anyone else about it, silence is golden.

El silencio es oro.

Example sentences:

  • "Speech is silver and silence is golden" / "El discurso es plata y el silencio es oro."

  • The man believes that silence is golden and he is very careful what he says / El hombre cree que el silencio es oro y es muy cuidadoso con lo que dice.

Additional examples:

  • Silence is golden, as her father used to say when she used to fly into tempers and wanted to say nasty things to everybody within range.

  • Silence is golden to me when I pray.

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miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014




When we feel that something someone or something is not honest, we smell a rat.

Example: I smell a rat. If John was off from work all week because he was sick, why has he got a suntan?

Sospechar algo.

Example sentences:

  • I think my girlfriend is seeing another man. I smell a rat. She told me she went out with Donna last night, but I saw Donna today and she said she hadn't seen my girlfriend this week / Creo que mi novia está viendo a otro hombre. Lo sospecho; ella me dijo que salió con Donna anoche, pero vi a Donna hoy y me dijo que no había visto a mi novia esta semana.

  • I started to smell a rat when he said he was working late, but when I drove past his office all the lights were off / Empecé a sospechar cuando dijo que estaba trabajando hasta tarde, pero cuando pasé por su oficina todas las luces estaban apagadas.

Additional examples:

  • The first time I smelled a rat was when he said I would treble my money if I invested in his company.

  • Bob had something to do with this. The minute I came in, I smelled a rat. Sure enough, I had been robbed.
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