jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015



To have a specific result

Example: I do not believe that the new plan is going to work out.


Example sentences:

  • I hope that this strategy will work out.The company's future depend on it / Espero que esta estrategia funcione. El futuro de la compañía depende de ello.

  • If the new look of the product work out, we'll do the same with the rest of the line / Si la nueva imagen del producto funciona,haremos lo mismo con el resto de la linea.

Additional examples:

  • Your new project is working out very well.

  • I have no doubt that this law is going to work out.

El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015



If you steer clear of something, you don't go near it because it could harm you or cause you a problem.

Example: I'd steer clear of that guy if I were you. He's a bit crazy and he's always looking for a fight with someone.

Mantenerse alejado de...

Example sentences:

  • My doctor said I should steer clear of spicy foods until I feel better / Mi doctor me dijo que debería de mantenerme alejado de los alimentos picantes hasta que me sienta mejor.

  • Tell your kids to steer clear of that dog. I was told that it bites people / Dígale a sus hijos que se mantengan alejados de ese perro. Me dijeron que muerde a la gente.

Additional examples:

  • John is mad at me, so I've been steering clear of him.

  • Steer clear of that book. It has many errors in it.

El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015



You're under fire if you're being attacked by the media or cricitised by many people.

Example: The Defence Minister has been under fire since it was reported that injured soldiers have been getting poor medical care. 

En la mira / En boca de todos / Bajo la lupa

Example sentences:

  • OPEC is under fire because of the high price of oil / OPEP está bajo la lupa porque subió el precio del petróleo.

  • The government-run TV station has come under fire for not reporting news that embarrasses the government / El canal de televisión dirigido por el gobierno está en boca de todos por no informar de la noticia de que avergüenza al gobierno.

Additional examples:

  • The court is under fire for being too political.

  •  Mr. Johnson has come under fire for gossiping about his clients.

El blog "La cultura del Inglés" es patrocinado por:

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015



If you're having a bad hair day, everything seems to be going wrong for you.

Example: Poor Sue's in a terrible mood. I think she's having a bad hair day.

Un mal día.

Example sentences:

  • I knew it was going to be a bad hair day when my car wouldn't start / Sabía que sería un mal día cuando mi carro no quiso arrancar.

  • If you're having a bad hair day nothing's going right for you / Si estás teniendo un mal día, nada esta bien para ti.

Additional examples:

  • I'm having a bad hair day today. I just couldn't do a thing with it this morning.

  • My computer's having a bad hair day.

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