martes, 13 de octubre de 2015



If you have a gut feeling, you sense something about a person or a situation, without knowing why, but you're sure what you sense is true.

Example: As soon as I came into the room I had a gut feeling that something was wrong - and then I saw the dead body. 

Corazonada / Sensación

Example sentences:

  • Chaz said his gut feeling was that Laura was lying and, sure enough, she was / Chaz dijo que su sensación fue que Laura estaba mintiendo y efectivamente lo estaba.

  • Beth said she had a gut feeling that her husband was cheating on her, but she couldn't prove it / Beth dijo que tenía la corazonada de que su esposo la estaba engañando, pero no podía demostrarlo. 

Additional examples:

  • I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen. 

  • My gut feeling was that this woman was a good woman.

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