jueves, 3 de abril de 2014



If you vote with your feet, you show your opinion of something by acting in a certain way, such as by buying something if you like it, or by not buying it if you don't like it.

Example: Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur. 

Dar la espalda.

Example sentences:

  • When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feetand didn't go to the concerts / Cuando el precio de las entradas para los conciertos casi se duplicó, los aficionados dieron la espalda y no asistieron a los conciertos.

  • If people are voting with their feet, they are using their actions to express their preferences / Si la gente está dando la espalda, están utilizando sus acciones para expresar sus preferencias.

Additional examples:

  • I think that the play is a total flop. Most of the audience voted with its feet during the second act.

  • I am prepared to vote with my feet if the meeting appears to be a waste of time. 

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